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Prince Harry broadcast his test experience to the Royal Family Facebook page

Prince Harry Makes HIV Testing Plea

Prince Harry has called for an end to the stigma surrounding HIV testing in an emotional video to mark this year’s HIV Testing Week. He called for HIV testing to be seen as “completely normal and accessible” …

Can You Catch HIV Through Oral Sex?

Many STIs can be passed from one person to another via oral sex and the same can be said about HIV. However, in comparison to those other STIs the risk is much lower…

Sexual health clinics in England fail to meet HIV Testing targets

Despite their mandate set out to offer HIV testing to all attendees, sexual health clinics are still failing to offer the test to around 10% of people. The findings are reported following …

your sexual health fallback

Promising Breakthrough Made in Development of HIV Treatment

In what has been described by the International AIDS Society as a “promising breakthrough”, scientists have developed a new antibody that may be effective in preventing and treating infection from the HIV virus …

National HIV Testing Week Boosts awareness of disease

Saturday marked the start of National HIV Testing Week (NHTW), an awareness drive started by sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust and HIV Prevention England …

Prince Harry broadcast his test experience to the Royal Family Facebook page

Prince Harry undergoes HIV test for cameras

Prince Harry has played his part in raising awareness for HIV in the UK this week by undergoing an STD test in front of the cameras. Arriving at the sexual health clinic in London …