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Is Gonorrhoea Curable? Here’s What You Need To Know

Gonorrhoea is the second-most common STD in the UK, with positive cases increasing by a staggering 50% since 2021 alone. So, if you’re experiencing the symptoms of a gonorrhoea infection, or your test results have returned positive, you need to know the next steps to take. Our resident Medical Director, Dr Rashid Bani, explains what happens when you catch gonorrhoea, and more importantly, how it is treated. But, first things first, is gonorrhoea curable?

Yes, gonorrhoea is curable. The initial infection is cleared with a simple course of antibiotic tablets, or more usually, an antibiotic injection administered in your buttocks or thigh. Whilst these antibiotics are very effective at clearing up an infection, they unfortunately can’t undo any permanent damage if already caused by gonorrhoea (such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or reduced fertility).

Read on to learn how your immune system handles a Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection, plus, if you can cure gonorrhoea without going to the doctor.